Events http://localhost/index.php/events/venueevents/11 2016-01-12T12:32:55+00:00 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management LOPEC 2014-07-02T11:45:45+00:00 2014-07-02T11:45:45+00:00 http://localhost/index.php/events/details/11 Title: LOPEC<br />Venue: Munich, Germany / <br />Category: Meeting<br />Date: 26.05.2014 - 28.05.2014<br />Time: <br />Description: <p> <strong>LOPEC - (Large-area, Organic &amp; Printed Electronics Convention) </strong>is the leading international trade fair and conference for printed electronics in the high-tech business location of Munich.</p> <p> Impressions can be found <a href="" title="">on the official website of LOPEC</a></p> Title: LOPEC<br />Venue: Munich, Germany / <br />Category: Meeting<br />Date: 26.05.2014 - 28.05.2014<br />Time: <br />Description: <p> <strong>LOPEC - (Large-area, Organic &amp; Printed Electronics Convention) </strong>is the leading international trade fair and conference for printed electronics in the high-tech business location of Munich.</p> <p> Impressions can be found <a href="" title="">on the official website of LOPEC</a></p>